Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia won the realworldcasting.com contest because of her family and friends who assisted in her win. Even though Ayiiia is from Mexican heritage and fluently speaks Spanish it's her first trip of a long duration to Mexico. Ayiia is known to be outspoken. Sometimes, however she speaks with such a viciousness as to alienate her roommates. She discovers quickly the reality of her Roommate at The Real World House is much more challenging than she anticipated. Ayiiia has a past of drug and cutting. Now, she's an ex-party girl that has reformed. While she is faithful to the people she cherishes and is said to be nonjudgmental don't get on her bad side because Ayiiia is a one who holds anger. Ayiiia experienced a lengthy relationship with another women. In the years prior to her reunion, she was living in San Diego with her mother and was in search of an apartment with her own. The reunion was revealed they and Jonna did not get along because of their disagreements during the filming.

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